Previous Hints of the Month: 
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April Hint
May Hint of The Month 

Track 3's Mining Cave Shortcut  & Map Layout 
This image is a direct screen print of  Track 3 (Top View) Click on the image for a fullscreen map.
Perhaps the hardest stunt to master in RUSH 2049, The mining cave. This stunt requires attention to speed, precise steering, and a bit of luck.
There are multiple ways of entering the shaft. The directions listed here are probably the simplest and the most stable. As you begin the ascent to the Twin Peaks, veer to the right and head up the hill. You will want to slow down  to 1st gear when you are at the very top about to jump. If executed correctly this will plummet you down to the bottom of the shaft in a ready position to encounter some of the deadliest stunts ever to be conceived of in RUSH 2049.


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